Friday, November 18, 2011


assalamualaikum dan slmt pg semua!!!!aku harap kalian semua dlm keadaan sihat2 belaka...lama sudah tidak membebel sorg2 dlm blog nie kan maklumla..busy sikit kebelakangan nie....nk wt mcm mana...nie larupa nya kehidupan bekerja....kerja kerja kerja kerja....kerja la spnjg hidup...kerja pnting utk kita survive dlm menempuh kehidupan yg akan dtg...sbb kita xtau apa yg akan berlaku pd ms akn dtg..btol x kwn2...that why we need to get job to survive our future....without job,we cannot survive....that only word I can say je la kot...

alhmdulillah, ahad br2 nie, ada majlis konvokesyen utk para pelajar kolej nie..aku pon trut termasuk dlm konvokesyen berkenaan sbb aku ada attend kursus for Certificate for Teaching (CITC)..this certificate is for teaching permit...all lecturer yg teach at private university college must have this certificate..i dont know the other private university college have this kursus or not..but in my college, for those lecturer yg bukan dlm bidang pendidikan must have attend this kursus for get this if i get this certificate, i just renew when it expired...i also can teach other private university college because i already have this certificate for teaching...hahaha...

this is my first time i konvo di the morning session im quite happy because i thnik this is 3rd time i naik pentas for the konvo..hahhaha...bnyk la gmbr tergantung di rumah2 tu...hahhahaha...but im quite suprise because ada student yg pkai jeans, kasut sukan n skirt yg atas lutut time mjlis penyampaian aritu....dasyat x??????kalo kt my university dl....jgn harap la...kalo pakai pkaian mcm tu,sure2 kn marah n xle naik i dpt rs kn konvo di university lg seronol berbanding konvo di private college..because the enviroment die lain sgt2....serius i ckp...i ckp pon base on experience only...lain org,lain pandangan diorg kan..btol x???

after mjlis konvo tu,mlm tu ada dinner enjoy with the dinner but i dont like the food.....xsedap!!!!!!!!!!!!!mkn fast food lg sedap dr mkn yg dinner tu...huhuhu...xkenyang...& i enjoy with the SCM performer...they do the good job...mmg kagum diorg menari....

tu la cter yg berlaki pd ari ahad br2 nie....hehhee...

satu lg cter, i got interview kt one of private college at kedah....i xsure nk g ke x interview ms tu....sbb dean fakulti It tu yg call i n ask me either i interested to come for the interview or i ask him to give me time to think fisrt before i make decision. then he leave no tpon office and his handset to me....because die ada bgtau kalo i call die, that mean i interested to come for the interview...but i didnt call him until he call me and ask me...then i give my decision yg i nk work here first around one year ++ because i want gain more experience here...most of work now need at least 1 year experience to get the job...that why i told him like this...than he accpet my reason and he said he will KIV my resume and suruh i contact him after one year....then i think first, either the dean still remember me or not after one year...but i will try contact him after i get more experince here...mmg i cdg for work here around one year ++ because i didn't work here until i retire..i also want to get a better job n also better salary...

so i hope i still have chance to get a new job and also better salary after one year...i also hope god will bless me...all my salary i nk kongsi dgn org yg telah bnyk membantu i dlm kehidupan i...terutama sekali my parent....diorg lah yg paling bnyk berkorban utk this is my time to help them....insyallah....semoga apa yg i harapkan n impikan menjadi kenyataan suatu ari nti....i really hope rezeki menyebelahi i.....

hope god bless me & my family...tnp diorg i xkuat mcm nie..tnp diorg i bukan seperti skrg....thank god di ats kurniaan rezeki yg telah Kau berikan kepada ku....


ckp la smpi di sini dl utk coretan kali nie....nti ada lg cerita menarik i akn share with all of u...this blog like my diary....all story here is all about my life....

bye bye....see u all in the story...

tata... ^^

Monday, November 7, 2011

sebulan sudah berlalu

Assalamualaikum semua!!!!apa kabar???aku harap kalian semua sihat walafiat....sudah agak lama aku tidak mengupdate blog aku nie kn...dh bersarang agknyer blog nie kot...hehehehe...time & dikesemapatan nie la aku sempat on9 & mencoretkan serba sdikit apa yg belaku....sebelum terlupa..."SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA" utk semua umat islam di seluruh dunia!!!..smga raya kali nie membawa seribu erti pergorbanan kepada diri kita....

alhmdulillah aku panjatkan kesyukuran kpd ALLAH S.W.T dgn limpah kurniaan-Mu yg telah kau berikan padaku...aku bersyukur xterhingga dgn rezekiMU ya ALLAH...dh sebulan aku bekerja sbg pendidik di sebuah institusi swsta...alhmdulillah,sgalanya berjalan lancar....nie adalah 1st job aku yg sebenar-benarnya...mgkin agk kekok utk adapt semua enviroment di situ....aku akn belajar perlahan-lahan utk adapt enviroment di situ...semua staff di situ bnyk memberikan tnjuk ajar kepada aku skiranya aku xfhm lakukan sesuatu tugasan yg diberikan....

di melaka aku tinggal smtara di umah salah seorg staff di tempat keje aku sblm aku dpt btol2 umah/bilik sewa.....mmg aaku agk kekok gk la pd mulanya...mana xnya,aku menumpang bilik staff tu....aku tkt gk die xselesa...sbb umah tu 2 bilik n kedua2 bilik tu alhmdulillah,mslh utk mendapatkan umah/bilik sewa telah selesai...aku mmg kalo leh nk cepat2 dpt bilik/umah sewa...sbb aku xnk nyusahkan staff tmpt aku keje tu....seriously aku tkt die xselesa...tkt die xselesa nk wt keje ke,nk bgn pg2 that y i need to move out from that house....insyallah minggu depan aku dh ada bilik sndiri...aku dh xnyusahkan org lain dh...aku kalo leh mmg xnk nyusahkan org...aku akan buat sst slagi bnd tu aku mampu buat...aku snggp ssh dahulu....

ckp ujung bulan,alhamdullilah is my first salary...aku gmbira sbb dgn duit tu,aku mampu bg kt ibu,ayh & adik2 utk merasa gaji ku...xpela....famly come first...tnpa diorg,aku xda kt dunia nie...mmg lain rs kalo kita mampu bg kt ibu & ayh kita duit....pengrbannan mereka membesarkan kita xternilai dgn wang ringgit sebenarnya...cuma itula yg mampu aku berikan utk mereka stkt nie...insyallah kalo diberikan rezeki,aku nk smpan duit utk hantar ibu ayh ke makkah...inysallah....hope niat aku dimakbulkan....amin.....

ckplah smpi disini coretan utk tempoh sebulan aku tidak mengupdate blog nie...ada ms lagi blog nie akan diupdate kan....hihi....wlppon blog nie xde follower,ckpla ia sbgai sebuah diary kehidupan aku....